猪舍要“讲究” 要选择地势干燥、朝阳的地方建猪舍,建筑材料不限,只要求猪舍卫生易于管理。猪的生长最适温度为16℃~21℃,为此要有相应的温度调节措施;冬季加厚猪舍墙体、扣塑料棚,在较寒冷的夜晚在塑料膜上加盖草帘,加大透光率和饲养密度,圈内要勤垫干草,以保证圈千燥、卫生,每天中午无风时要打开塑料棚通风换气。夏秋季节要通风,在猪舍外栽植丝瓜、葫芦、向日葵、葡萄、樱桃等植物可遮荫降温,还可搭荫棚、洒水降温,定期消毒圈舍,喷洒驱蚊灭蝇药。
Pig to the "good" to choose the dry, the Chaoyang area of building housing, building materials are not limited, only requires easy management of pig health. The optimum temperature is 16 DEG to 21 DEG. The growth of pigs, it must have the corresponding temperature control measures; winter house wall, thickened plastic shed, in a cold night in a plastic film with straw, increase the transmittance and the feeding density within the circle to ground mat hay, to ensure that the circle of dry, health every day at noon, when there is no ventilation to open the plastic shed. In the summer season to ventilation, towel gourd, gourd, pig out planting sunflower, grapes, cherries and other plants can also cool shade, shed, water cooling, regular disinfection pens, spraying mosquito killing medicine.
猪种改良 选择发育良好、健壮、活泼的杂交仔猪进行育肥,最好选用由长白猪、杜洛克和大约克猪杂交的二元母本猪与杜洛克杂交出的三元猪等,其特点是生长快、瘦肉率高、肉料比高。在断奶仔猪饲喂80天左右,体重达60~70千克以上时,再采取驱虫、健胃、补饲等措施催肥20天,体重达90~100千克时即可出栏。自己饲养优良种公猪、种母猪,自己培育杂交仔猪,自己育商品猪,有利于防疫灭病,提高仔猪成活率,有利于降低养猪成本。
Pig improvement selection well developed, robust and lively crossbred piglets were fed by the best selection, Landrace, Duroc and Yorkshire crosses two yuan female pigs and Duroc Hybrid Pigs out of three yuan, which is characterized by fast growth, high lean meat percentage, meat feed ratio. In the weaned piglets were fed for 80 days or so, weighing 60 to 70 kg or more, and then take the insecticide, stomach, feeding and other measures to fatten up 20 days, weighing 90 to 100 kg to slaughter. Their breeding sows, and breeding boars, cultivate their own hybrid piglets, pig breeding themselves, is conducive to the prevention and eliminating diseases, improve the survival rate of piglets, to reduce the cost of pig.
驱虫定期 仔猪生后60~70天,进行一次驱虫、洗胃、健胃,两个月之后再重复进行一次。方法,第一天驱虫,按每2.5千克毛重,喂1片畜用敌百虫片。驱虫以晚上7~8点进行效果较好。喂药前,要让猪停食一顿。喂药时,先用温水将药片溶化,拌入到少量饲料内让猪一次吃完。第3天,进行洗胃,用小苏打15克(小猪酌减),拌入早餐饲料内喂服。到第五天,再进行健胃,即用大黄苏打片,按每5千克毛重1片的用量,分三餐拌入饲料中喂服;第7天添喂韭菜1千克,白糖300毫升,分2~3次喂完。然后开始拌有添加剂的饲料。
饲喂定时 饲喂采用干湿法,就是把干饲料经润湿软化后饲喂,要定时定量,日喂4餐。其软化方法很简单,料、水比例为1:1。浸泡软化的时间,可根据气温不同来确定,在气温低于10℃时,可提前4~5小时浸泡;气温高于10℃时,提前2小时浸泡。饲喂时要定时,一般要求早上7点半、中午11点半、下午3点半、晚上9点半饲喂。饲喂量为猪体重的50%,以猪吃至八九成饱,槽中不剩料为准。先喂精料后喂青料,并给予充足清洁的饮水。缺水会影响猪的食欲、消化和正常生长,降低饲料利用率。
饲料配合 在猪饲料上要非常注意各种营养的平衡,要选择正规厂家的上好饲料,再加上玉米、菜和草进行混合饲喂。为满足猪对营养的需求,其饲料要采用多料配合,饲料成分一般为谷粉25%~30%、玉米粉25%~40%、花生饼粉8%~10%、瓜千粉10%~20%、米糠10%~15%、鱼粉50%、食盐l%、贝壳粉1%。然而,按每50千克混合料加1包(100克)复合添加剂,充分搅拌均匀后加水浸泡生喂。
喂催肥剂 催肥20天内,每天给猪添喂催肥剂。其配方为:咸鱼、骨粉、豆饼、黄豆各3千克,猪油、砂糖各1千克,玉米 7.5千克,陈皮、麦芽各25克,神曲10克。先将黄豆炒熟连同咸鱼、玉米等料混匀后,分为20份,每头猪每日喂1份,分3次添入日粮中,连喂20天后便可出栏。
生料干喂 除黄豆等少数煮熟外,其余均为生料,每夭4次,每头猪日喂量按体重而定;体重10~20千克,日喂1.5千克;体重20~35千克,日喂2.5~3千克;体重35~60千克,日喂3.5千克;体重90千克以上的日喂4~5千克。
- 上一篇:十月份果园草帘管理要点与防治
- 下一篇:园林树木秋季草绳养护措施